Monday, July 16, 2007

Healing the heart...

Healing the Heart Details
At some point in our lives we experience loss and the pain in our heart that accompanies it. Whether it is the loss of a dear one, loss of love, loss of a relationship, loss of innocence or the loss of joy in our lives, the pain can spiral us down into a world of despair. Healing the Heart is a three-day interactive experience designed to help you heal and move beyond that pain and reclaim your wholeness.Integrating the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with modern psychological principles, Chopra Center Medical Director and Co-Founder Dr. David Simon, teaches you how to expand your capacity to love and be loved, to reach into the past and forgive and to step into the present whole and healed. You will identify and nourish the emotional needs of your heart and soul and finally make peace with yourself.In this unique three-stage healing process you will evolve your emotional state to identify and release the very pain with which you struggle, and most importantly, fill the void with love, strength and empowerment.With the support of the loving Chopra Center staff and guided by Dr. Simon, you will achieve the emotional freedom you seek. Join us for this unique opportunity to explore your emotional constraints, forgive yourself and others and finally free your heart from its pain. Leave this transformational weekend feeling healed and able to love again.

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