Saturday, October 13, 2007

Gift from my friend Rebecca...

To be truthful
To be trustworthy
To be faithful
To be righteous and fear God
To be just and fair
To be tactful and wise
To be courteous
To be hospitable
To be persevering
To be detached
To be absolutely submissive to the Will of God
Not to stir up mischief
Not to be hypocritical
Not to be proud
Not to be fanatical
Not to prefer one’s self to one’s neighbour
Not to contend with one’s neighbour
Not to indulge one’s passions
Not to lament in adversity
Not to contend with those in authority
Not to lose one’s temper
Not to anger one’s neighbour

The list of qualities is from: The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, 1992 edition, pages 160-161. Copyright, Bahá’í International Community. All Rights Reserved.

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