Friday, July 27, 2007

* The silence is speaking too much...the words keep silence…

While waiting for you my love…It’s raining without clouds…(Le silence parle beaucoup…les paroles gardent le silence…

En t’attendant mon amour…il pleut sans nuages…)

* I’ve started my journey towards you by air…Here I’m…besides you…

without knowing…Whether you are feeling my presence or not…

* Making my home in your heart, I want to live there forever…

Like this…I’ll come out from the pain of missing you…

And we’ll never have any complain and dissatisfaction...

As we’ll listen nicely each other without any obstacle…

There, we’ll not have any questions or any doubts…

As there’ll be no entry for such harsh things in soft walled home…

* Prenant le stylo de mon âme, j'ecris ton nom dans le ciel...Mais hélas, il me semble trop petit pour y ecrir ton nom en entier...

* La vie est un on sait bien le faire, on a parfaitement réussi, sinon c'est un échec...


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